1988 Jan - June
1988 Groove Hip Hop Sales Charts
January - June 1988
The charts below represent the Hip Hop and Electro record sales in Groove Records, Soho, London. Please note that these charts were printed in Echoes magazine every Saturday but Mike Allen would read out the same chart the previous weekend on the Friday night show, so the dates here will not be in sync with the shows.
2nd January 1988
9th January 1988 *Same chart printed as previous week
16th January 1988
23rd January 1988
30th January 1988
6th February 1988
13th February 1988
20th February 1988
27th February 1988
5th March 1988
12th March 1988
19th March 1988
26th March 1988
2nd April 1988
9th April 1988
16th April 1988
23rd April 1988
30th April 1988
7th May 1988
14th May 1988
21st May 1988
28th May 1988
4th June 1988
11th June 1988
18th June 1988
25th June 1988